North Star Alliance

CategoriesFrom our Clinics

Introducing Two New Roadside Wellness Centres

In June of last year, we were excited to announce that North Star Alliance (North Star) had signed an agreement with the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to gear up cross-border HIV prevention activities with support the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. As part of this initiative, North Star will be rolling […]

CategoriesFrom our Clinics Press Releases

Driving the AIDS Response through Art

On 26-29 July, North Star Alliance teamed up with Art for AIDS International to pilot a series of innovative visual-arts-based HIV workshops with truck drivers and sex workers in the community of Beitbridge, Zimbabwe. These workshops, led by Art for AIDS International Executive Director Hendrikus Bervoets, use a combination of fact-based knowledge sharing, experiential learning, peer-peer […]

humani CategoriesPhoto of the Week

Photo of the week | Baobabs near Beitbridge

This past week, I (JP Bervoets, North Star Alliance Special Projects Intern) drove from Johannesburg, South Africa, to Beitbridge, Zimbabwe to visit one of our Roadside Wellness Centres. Close to the Zimbabwean border along the N1 (a route familiar to many Southern African drivers), I snapped a few photos of the surrounding area (before settling […]

CategoriesPhoto of the Week

Photo of the week | Beitbridge Zimbabwe

Welcome to Beitbridge Zimbabwe – a border community that lies at the foot of the Limpopo River and at the political border between Zimbabwe and South Africa. In 2009, North Star Alliance opened a Roadside Wellness Centre in Beitbridge that has quickly become one of our busiest centres. In 2010 alone, Beitbridge saw 19,705 visits!

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