North Star Alliance

TNT-North Star Alliance Roadshow at ORTEC CategoriesCampaigns and Events From our Clinics

At the Crossroads [VIDEO]

Over the past month, North Star Alliance and TNT have hit the road, visiting truck stops, conferences, and office blocks across Europe to raise awareness about health, mobility, and the important role North Star Alliance’s network of Roadside Wellness Centers is playing across East, West, and Southern Africa.

Fleet Forum and North Star Alliance Partnership CategoriesPress Releases

North Star Alliance and Fleet Forum partner for safer, healthier transport

Small and mid-sized commercial fleet operators in low-and middle-income countries often face challenges to recruit well-trained drivers. Too often, professional driving schools do not exist, there is no clear driver training curriculum and classroom-based training takes drivers off the road, reducing their productivity. In response to this challenge, North Star Alliance and Fleet Forum have […]


A Year in Review [Infographic]

With a busy 2011 well underway, we wanted to look back and share some of the exciting North Star Alliance figures from 2010. This data highlights the tremendous success and impact North Star Alliance and partners are having in transport corridor communities across Africa…Click the infographic below to see a larger version, then, let us know what you think by leaving a comment!

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