North Star Alliance

TNT-North Star Alliance Roadshow at ORTEC CategoriesCampaigns and Events From our Clinics

At the Crossroads [VIDEO]

Over the past month, North Star Alliance and TNT have hit the road, visiting truck stops, conferences, and office blocks across Europe to raise awareness about health, mobility, and the important role North Star Alliance’s network of Roadside Wellness Centers is playing across East, West, and Southern Africa.

CategoriesFrom our Clinics

Stories about AIDS in Malawi

Making the decision to get tested for HIV can be difficult. For many, it means confronting not only the status of their own health, but their social status within a community as well. Ensuring that every community has access to high quality information, counseling, and medical care is, therefore, paramount to reducing not only the number of new infections, but the overall health and wellbeing of a community.

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