North Star Alliance

Let’s Get East Africa Moving [VIDEO]

Supply chains are in many ways the backbone of economic development and security around the world. Ensuring that the transporters who keep them running are healthy, safe, and have access to the proper infrastructure and technology is, therefore, of tremendous importance. Without each of these critical factors in place, businesses can’t move their goods to […]

CategoriesFrom our Clinics

North Star Alliance Opens Laboratory in Kenya

Sustainability is word that is often thrown around in the non-profit sector. In fact, we get asked about the sustainability of our Roadside Wellness Centres quite often. Since mobile workers, like truck drivers, are constantly on the move, it can be challenging to incorporate income generating activities to help offset the cost of some of […]

CategoriesPhoto of the Week

Photo of the week | North of Machakos

This photo was taken on the fly while travelling the busy Mombasa highway between Machakos Junction and Nairobi (Kenya). This is the main corridor for trucks carrying goods between Mombasa and Kampala (Uganda) and you can tell that the drivers are in it for the long haul. Staying safe on this road requires skilled driving, […]


The Difference We Made | January – August 2011 [INFOGRAPHIC]

“Meet people on the move across Africa and provide them with basic health care”. While North Star’s mission seems simple, by many, it can be seen as a nearly impossible challenge. The latest numbers coming in from our electronic health passport system, COMETS, however, are showing the success. Because of this success, we’re preparing to […]

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